Інформація МАГАТЕ

Шановні колеги!

Запрошуємо Вас взяти участь у міжнародних конференціях з медичного опромінення!

The latest updates from the RPOP Website:

  1. Mark your calendars! The International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine: Achieving Change in Practice will take place on 11-15 December 2017 in Vienna, Austria

The deadline for contributed papers has been extended to 15 July! Please note that the participation is free of charge!

  1. Join the upcoming RPOP webinar held jointly with LatinSafe – How to implement a CT dose optimization program (in Spanish) (29 June, 4 pm CET)
  2. ISEMIR-IC – a new IAEA tool for optimization of occupational radiation protection in interventional cardiology has been fully launched
  3. Read about the Regional Workshop on Patient Safety in Radiotherapy recently held in Bulgaria
  4. Read about the upcoming International Symposium on Radiological Protection in Medicine in Peru, and 30th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine in Austria 
  5. Latest News