Medical Physics – 2012


  Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Swedish radiation safety authority


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv invites you to take part in The secound international workshop “Medical physics – the current status, problems, the ways of development. Innovation technologies”, September 27 – 28, 2012. Specialists invited for participation are from leading medical, scientific and regulatory organizations from EC countries, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, as well as representatives from The Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports, The Ministry of Health, Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine, The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine

The workshop is holding by support of Swedish radiation safety authority in the frame of the project “Support to development of quality assurance and quality control in medical radiology, phase 2”.

Sponsors:  OEC “Severodonetsk plant of chemical non-standard equipment”

Workshop sections:

Section 1. Training of Medical Physicists by Higher Education Institutions.
– Curriculums.
– Clinical practice.
– Professional development.

Section 2. Regulatory-law aspects of the ionizing radiation sources using in health care.
– Implementation of international legal laws into national legislation
– Improvement of administrative and legal regulation of ionizing radiation sources using in medicine

Section 3. Innovation Technologies in Medicine.
–  Radiodiagnostics.
–  Radiotherapy.
–  Nuclear medicine.
–  Fundamental research.

Section 4. Radiation Safety.
Quality assurance and quality control in medical radiology.
–  Radiotherapeutic risks and radiation accident in radiology.
–  Organization and management of radiation safety.

Workshop’s program will be posted on September 24, 2012 by link “Program”

Workshop will be held at the main (red) building of Kiev national Taras Shevchenko university, see “Place”, “Important dates”.

Two types of  participation in seminar are possible official and unofficial, details are described by link “Registration”. Seminar fee is absent.

Organizers are covering accommodation during September 26-29, 2012 and meals for official participants. Travel fees is covering by participant’s institution. Details see by link “Accommodation”. Official participation should be confirmed by organizers!

Book of seminar proceeding will be published before the beginning. Seminar’s languages are Ukrainian, Russian, English. Instructions for preparation of manuscripts by link “Papers”.

For additional information, please, go by link “Contacts”.